Working With Documents

Opening TypeStyler
To open TypeStyler, double-click the TypeStyler icon. The title screen is displayed when you start TypeStyler and remains visible for a few moments until the main window is displayed. If it is the first time running the application, prior to seeing the title screen, you will be asked to personalize and register your copy.

Opening an Existing Document
There are two ways to open an existing TypeStyler document. The first way is to double-click the TypeStyler document icon.

The second way to open an existing document is to open TypeStyler first, then open the document from either the Open Document menu or from the File menu. You do this by double-clicking the TypeStyler icon to start the program, and when the Open Document dialog appears it will displays a list of documents. Select the document name, and then double-click, or click Open to open the document.

Creating a New Document
To create a new document select New from the File menu of the Main window, or use command-N. This brings up the Document Setup dialog. You can have multiple documents open at the same time. From the Window menu you can choose to have your document windows be tiled or stacked.

Closing a Document
To close a TypeStyler document, select Close from the File menu or click the Close box located at the top left corner of the window. If you made changes to the document, a dialog appears asking you whether you want to save the changes. Clicking Yes saves any changes you made to the document, clicking No does not save the changes. Clicking Cancel leaves things as they were, and returns you to your document.

Printing a Document
Make sure that you're ready to print. Select Print... from the File menu bring up the print dialog. The Print dialog box offers options that can include Paper size, Scaling to enable poster printing, Print Marks, Print Color Separations, Include Bleed Area, and Print Registration Marks (used for lining up color separations). The printing options available to you depend on the type of printer you are using.

Saving a Document
To save a currently opened document to disk, select Save from the File menu of the main window, or type command-S. If you created a new document, selecting Save or Save As... from the File menu opens a dialog that asks you to name the new document and select a folder and/or disk for it to reside. For a previously named document, selecting Save As... lets you save a copy of the document under a different name.

Exporting Files
You can export TypeStyler graphics to include in other applications by choosing Export... in the File menu. The Export dialog box provides a variety of graphic formats: Photoshop with layers, PDF, Illustrator, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PICT and GIF.

To export TypeStyler objects:

1. From the File menu choose the file type you would like to export as. Each file type will bring up a unique dialog relevant to the format selected (each format is explained in detail in Importing/Exporting and Sharing your Work ).

2 Name the document..

3. Select the options..

4. Click the Save button or press Return..

Importing Files
TypeStyler allows you import a number of file formats into your TypeStyler document by choosing Import in the File menu. The Import dialog box provides a variety of graphic formats: TypeStyler, Photoshop, PDF, Illustrator, EPS, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PICT and GIF. You will have the option of selecting Show All Kinds or a specific format.

Drag and Drop
TypeStyler supports drag and drop into other application that also support drag and drop. Depending on the application an importing or exporting dialog box will appear giving additional options.

Saving a Document
To save a currently opened document to disk, select Save from the File menu of the main window, or type Command-S. If you created a new document, selecting Save or Save As from the File menu opens a dialog that asks you to name the new document and select a folder and/or disk for it to reside. For a previously named document, selecting Save As saves a copy of the document under a different name.

Quitting TypeStyler
When you have finished working with TypeStyler, select Quit from the File menu or use Command-Q. If you made any changes to a document, a dialog appears asking whether you want to save the changes. Clicking Yes saves any changes you made to the document before the program quits; clicking No does not save the changes. Clicking Cancel leaves things as they were, and returns you to the document.