Document Setup

The Document Setup dialog is used for setting up new TypeStyler documents and for changing settings for existing TypeStyler documents.

Document Setup

Choosing New… from the File menu or from an open TypeStyler document choosing Document Setup… from theFile menu will bring up the Document Setup dialog. There are 8 radio buttons you can choose from as a starting point. After selecting either Page, Poster, Banner, Template, Bag, Box, 3dModel, or Video you can then choose a layout from the Document Preset popup menu.

Layout Dimensions for both width and height of your work page is also changeable as are the units of measure.

The Set Background Color button allows you to set the background color of your work page. Selecting either the button or current color rectangle will give you the Colors panel. You can use any of the models to select your color and the click OK to set. You can also use the eyedropper to set the color. Choose the eyedropper and click anywhere on your screen to sample and set the new color.

When you have finished specifying the document options click OK.